Sunday, 29 June 2008

Dales Way Introduction

The Dales Way was the first long-distance walk I’d attempted. That was back in September 1992 with ‘er indoors, Rita. We enjoyed it so much that we walked a couple of trails a year for much of the rest of the decade, until Rita’s health problems put an end to her active participation.
I walked many more paths, including a second visit to the Dales Way in spring 2000, with a friend. Then, somehow, I drifted away from my usual walking companion, lost the walking habit and got fat.
I got a grip in 2007, adopted a plant and fish diet, forswore the booze and got off my bum a little more frequently.
It was time to walk the Dales Way again, this time as a solo walk. I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy walking alone. In the event I loved it.
The Dales Way Handbook from the Dales Way Association is an invaluable planning resource. I used my 1990 edition of the “Dales Way Companion” by Paul Hannon, in conjunction with route updates from the Dales Way Association website. The way has changed remarkably little in the 15 years since I first walked it.

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